
Accelerating Your Discoveries

Supermicro 以從零開始構建 HPC 解決方案為榮。從可訂製的設計到實施,Supermicro 的專職團隊將根據您的要求提供優化的隨插即用服務。靈活應對 HPC 最困難的課題,同時也簡化了超級計算機的部署。

Supermicro - Accelerating Your Discoveries with General Purpose Compute Intensive

General Purpose Compute Intensive

Supermicro in Scientific Research Supercomputer

Scientific Research Supercomputer

Supermicro building HPC solutions-AI/ML/DL GPU Intensive

AI/ML/DL GPU Intensive

What is High Performance Computing?

High Performance Computing (HPC) is a computational domain that aims to solve complex problems through parallel processing. An HPC system of today consists of hundreds to thousands of CPUs connected through a high speed network. A large HPC cluster of servers can be assigned to work on a single large problem simultaneously or several smaller problems. Many HPC applications are currently written to simultaneously take advantage of tens, hundreds, and thousands of cores, resulting in orders of magnitude lower time to solution. Supermicro designs a range of high performance computing solutions to fit every need. Supermicro's HPC solutions are expertly designed, built, and tested by Supermicro professionals. Liquid cooling is available at rack scale for environments where liquid cooling is required.

Many fields can use HPC technologies, including:
  • Engineering - designing and optimizing new physical products, including automobiles, planes, structures, and consumer appliances.
  • Scientific Research - basic and applied research to model climate change, more accurate weather forecasts, galaxy and star formation, and weapons modernization.
  • Finance - fast decisions based on very low latency calculations to make trading decisions
  • Defense - create battlefield scenarios and produce optimized weapons (engineering)
  • Healthcare - design new drugs, create personalized care, and recognize disease causes and possible contributors to these diseases.

The Supermicro HPC Solutions portfolio consists of HPC servers, HPC storage solutions, HPC networking, and life cycle monitoring software. Together, these technologies all contribute towards an entire high performance computing solution that addresses the needs of HPC users.

HPC 解決方案

Supermicro 參考體系架構旨在滿足您獨特的 HPC 需求。我們的優勢包括廣泛的建構塊,從主機板設計到系統配置,完全整合的機架和液體冷卻系統。我們專注於為客戶提供量身訂製的解決方案。

企業 HPC 參考設計

此多功能參考體系結構是為通用計算密集型工作負載而建構的,非常適合於企業 HPC,如數字製造、金融風險管理、醫學研究、石油和天然氣探勘等。

  • 伺服器: SuperBlade® SBI-420P-1C2N, 每個機架最多 80 個節點
  • 多達 6400 個處理器核心(Intel® Xeon®), 320TB DDR4-3200,每個機架 160 個 2.5 英寸驅動器托架
  • 使用內置 IB HDR 和 25G 交換機模組減少佈線
  • 熱插拔節點、交換機模組、PSU 和風扇模組具有良好的可維護性
  • 高度可擴展,在 non-blocking IB 結構中,每個群集中最多 10 個機架和 800 個計算節點



  • 伺服器: 如 16 TwinPro® SYS-220TP-HTTRBigTwin® AS -2124BT-HTR, 每個機架 64 個節點
  • 支援 AMD EPYC™ 高達 8192 核心 (BigTwin)或每個機架配備 Intel Xeon 5120 核(TwinPro)
  • 可選 DLC 液態冷卻,40KW CDU 至 80KW
  • 極易擴展,在 2:1 OPA 結構中,每個群集中最多 30 個機架和 1920 個節點
  • TwinPro 的每節點一個 socket 設計平衡了每種性能的成本,BigTwin 的每節點雙 socket 設計實現了不折不扣的性能。


我們的可擴展 AI+HPC 隨插即用設計具有最新的突破性 AI 功能,能夠釋放前所未有的科學發現速度,讓企業專注於建構改變遊戲規則的 AI 應用程式,實現自動駕駛、自然語言處理等。

  • 伺服器: 例如 5 個 4U 8-GPU 系統, SYS-420GP-TNARAS -4124GO-NART, 帶 NVIDIA® HGX A100 和 NVLink®
  • 多達 80 個 NVIDIA A100 GPU,每個機架具有 40 PB 的 AI 性能
  • 每個機架最多支援 40TB DDR4-3200 和 30 個熱插拔 Gen4 NVMe 驅動程式
  • 高速 GPU 互連,每個節點 8 個 200G IB HDR+2 個 100G 以太網路端口
  • 高度可擴展性,每個群集中最多 100 個節點和 800 個 A100 GPU,採用非阻塞 IB HDR 結構,可選擇 D2C 液態冷卻


一系列漸進的步驟,以確保技術和產品滿足客戶獨特的 HPC 要求,並順利部署。

1. Design

  • Application Analysis
  • Power Budget
  • BOM Creation
  • Rack Layout

2. Assembly

  • Node Assembly
  • Rack & Stack
  • Cabling & Labeling
  • Networking & Power

3. Configuration

  • BIOS Setting Check
  • Firmware Management
  • Switch & IP Addresses
  • OS & Customer Image

4. Testing

  • Multi-vendor Interoperability
  • Full Rack Burn-in & QA
  • Full Rack Test Report
  • Performance Report

5. Logistics

  • Asset Labeling & Docs
  • Crating
  • Air-Ride Trucking
  • White Glove Services


Supermicro 可以訂製 HPC 解決方案,以滿足各種工作負載:計算密集型、高吞吐量 GPU,或用於不同行業的高容量儲存應用程式。 Supermicro HPC 解決方案可以與各種開源平台和商業應用程式捆綁在一起,並取得了成功。

University of Tsukuba, “Pegasus”

The Center for Computational Sciences at the University of Tsukuba is a multidisciplinary center that partners with many organizations on basic research in several areas. As part of an ongoing project to deliver state-of-the-art computing capabilities to a wide range of researchers, the University of Tsukuba, with NEC (as the prime contractor), has created a supercomputer that will address the computing and storage needs using Supermicro SuperBlade. The system is among the first in the world to use NVIDIA H100 GPUs and 4th Gen Intel® Xeon® Scalable processors.

大阪大學 "SQUID"

大阪大學與 NEC 公司和 Supermicro 緊密合作,設計並實現了一種基於 Supermicro SuperBlade® 組合的超級計算類系統和 4U 8-GPU NVIDIA NVlink® 系統,採用第 3代Intel Xeon 可擴展處理器構建。 SQUID 系統是一個27機架群集,包含 1520 個 SuperBlade,超過 120000 個核心,42 個 4U 8 GPU NVIDIA NVLink 系統節點,並由 Supermicro 機架整合服務團隊進行了整合和測試。

IMS "Molecular Simulator"

日本分子科學研究所(IMS)已經安裝了兩個名為“高性能分子模擬器”的集群,其 Supermicro 伺服器通過 Intel Omni-Path 架構互連。分子模擬器通過40588核心 Intel Xeon 處理器和 216768GB 記憶體,運行分子動力學的大規模並行計算和許多量子化學要求更高的串行操作,實現了 1.8petaflops Linpack 和 3.1petaflops 理論峰值性能。

LLNL “Corona”

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory(LLNL)選擇 Supermicro 為科學家提供額外的計算能力和資源,幫助他們找到治癒 COVID-19 的方法。 Supermicro 的 4U 8 GPU 伺服器為這個即插即用集群配備了近 1000 個 AMD Radeon Instinct™ 圖形加速器,結合 AMD 的 state-of-the-art EPYC™ CPU 擴展集群,為高級計算工作負載提供高達 11Petaflops 的計算能力。